Teach a Woman, Teach a Nation
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that when our foreparents were brought to these shores, children were separated from their parents. How else could a people grow up without the ability to speak their own language, know their own names, or know anything about their own culture?
You must realize that mothers are important. You must realize that women are important. An ignorant woman is a sin. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that when you teach a man, you teach an individual; but when you teach a woman you teach a nation. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that no nation can rise any higher that its woman.
When you put a woman down, you send the nation to hell. To lift women does not mean putting them on a false pedestal and worshipping them as symbols of comfort, beauty and sex. Lifting a woman means placing in her hands the books of wisdom and knowledge so she might be cultivated and her qualities developed, that she may inspire a new world from what is in her head and heart.
When you lock a woman out of knowledge, cultivation, refinement and high civilization, you lock yourself out of perpetual motion. Education is the key.