Sunday, November 14, 2010

Girl Education and Same Sex Schools, Part 1

Girl Education and Same Sex Schools, Part 1

Girl education is one of the most valuable areas of investment a Nation can make. In my last post, an excerpt from Minister Louis Farrakhan’s book, “Education is the Key”, highlighted the importance of the female, the second self of God, and her education. The female must be educated and must be in an environment conducive to not only learning, but of righteous behavior.
I would like to make a brief example. Have you ever heard of two doctors having a child that became a doctor, or was deeply involved in the sciences? Have you ever heard of a teenage mother birthing a child that grew up to be a teenage mother? In both cases, ‘the apple did not fall far from the tree’.
The point is that, if in a girl’s education, she is taught how to engage in righteous behavior and guided in the laws and principles set forth by God, then more often than not she will bear a child with a tendency toward righteousness. She will also be a productive part of her community, and an example to others. Clearly, this is what our society and all societies need, righteous men and women that are mentally and spiritually developed. Girl education is a key!
Same sex schooling is a building block to achieve a better society. It is not an unfamiliar practice, however it is not often found in our society and not given the proper value. Often times when I discuss this topic with educators I get similar responses based upon what research has found. Apparently, research has found that there is no significant change from students in same sex schools. The only point made, from those I have talked to, is that girls will not speak up as much around boys, and will speak more comfortably when around their own sex.
My question about the research is, what measurements are used? Are they basing results off of test scores? If that is the case, then we must understand that there is much more to be considered. Math, science, and language are good, but what about moral standards and character? What about the knowledge of God, self and others? What about behavior that is becoming of a civilized person? Our current curriculum is lacking the necessities of an upright lifestyle, amongst other things.
I must point out that the curriculum of a child must provide the knowledge necessary for the life that they will lead in the future. Girls are expected to be mothers in the future. Mothers play a significant role in a household. She is the first teacher, the first nurse, and in many ways Gods representative to a child until the child is old enough to learn about God himself/herself. A girl’s education must provide a foundation for her future role
A boy is expected to become a man and be the head of his house. He must understand finance, how to make a living for himself, have character development, and should learn his nature and the nature of the woman. He should not find that women are easily accessible! Being with a woman is a Right that must be Earned not just Given. He should not be able to be in class or in the hallways and put his arm around a girl. A man should not so much as touch a woman that is not his wife or close relative. In truth, a man is unworthy, until he is the man that maintains, protects, and provides for that woman. If he was a civilized man he would ask her father's permission to talk to his daughter,

There is much more to say on this topic and girl education, so come back for part 2.

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